Get in the know with information sessions throughout the event.
Time | Room 106A | Room 106B | Room 108A | Room 108B | Room 107 |
6:00- 6:30pm | Sheridan | How to Apply to College | George Brown | Career Planning Workshop | Yconic Scholarships and Student Awards |
6:45- 7:15pm | Centennial | College Degrees | Michener | OSAP, Scholarships, Bursaries & Awards | Humber |
7:30- 8:00pm | Skilled Trades Host: Centennial | How to Apply to College | Career Planning Workshop | OSAP, Scholarships, Bursaries & Awards Host: George Brown | Credit Transfer in Ontario Post- Secondary |
8:15- 8:45pm | CIBC Financial Planning & Budgeting | Credit Transfer in Ontario Post- Secondary |
Time | Room 106A | Room 106B | Room 108A | Room 108B | Room 107 |
10:00 – 10:30am | Sheridan | How to Apply | Skilled Trades Host: Centennial | OSAP, Scholarships, Bursaries & Awards | Humber |
10:45 – 11:15am | Michener | George Brown | Centennial | Career Planning Workshop | Yconic Scholarships and Student Awards |
11:30am- 12:00pm | Sheridan | College Degrees | George Brown | OSAP, Scholarships, Bursaries & Awards Host: George Brown | Humber |
12:15- 12:45pm | CIBC Financial Planning & Budgeting | How to Apply | Centennial | Career Planning Workshop | Yconic Scholarships and Student Awards |
Individual College Information Sessions
College reps present about their college, the campus, programs unique to the college, campus life and more. These are in-depth presentations that will give you a detailed overview to help you with your college decision.
OSAP, Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards
Have you thought about how you will finance your college education? Learn how to get off to the right start with some planning and information on what kind of Financial Aid is available. Learn about OSAP, scholarships, bursaries — ways to pay for your post-secondary education.
Career Planning workshop
Learn how to use Career Planning Tools to help you assess your interests, research the world of work, and plan an education that fits your career goals.
College Degrees
Did you know that colleges offered degrees? This Information Session provides an overview about Degrees offered at Ontario colleges and a panel of representatives from the Central Region colleges will talk about degrees available at their institutions.
How to Apply for College
Are you nervous about applying to college? In this Information Session, Ontario Colleges will take you through the application process and transcript submission process step-by-step so you will see how straight-forward it is if you are prepared.
Credit Transfer in Ontario Post-Secondary
Want to learn how to transfer your credits among Ontario’s colleges and universities? This session will show you how to discover transfer opportunities on, and will highlight some of the site’s key features. Find out how to search for pathways and course transfers, how to save your searches, and who to contact for help
Yconic is a Canadian platform designed to connect students with various resources related to education and financial support. It primarily focuses on offering scholarships, bursaries, and contests to help students fund their post-secondary education. In addition to scholarship opportunities